by kensthinkt | Mar 20, 2022 | Clips, Season 6
Cognitive Discussions with Lonnie Whitaker (S06E03) Please subscribe on YouTube Lonnie Whitaker on Ken’s Think Tank Season 6, Episode 3 Lonnie’s new podcast, called “Cognitive Discussions with Lonnie Whitaker,” is bringing people from different communities to talk...
by kensthinkt | Mar 19, 2022 | Clips, Season 6
Combining Counseling, Fitness, & Nutrition (S06E03) Please subscribe on YouTube Lonnie Whitaker on Ken’s Think Tank Season 6, Episode 3 Lonnie’s new type of therapy, called Cognitive Fitness, strives to bring the mind, body, and emotions into sync by combining...
by kensthinkt | Mar 18, 2022 | Clips, Season 6
What is Cognitive Fitness? (S06E03) Please subscribe on YouTube Lonnie Whitaker on Ken’s Think Tank Season 6, Episode 3 Lonnie is working on his Doctor’s Degree and collecting evidence to prove the effectiveness of combining counseling, fitness, and nutrition into a...
by kensthinkt | Feb 26, 2022 | Clips, Season 6
Heroes don’t feel like Heroes (S06E02) Please subscribe on YouTube Travis Miller on Ken’s Think Tank Season 6, Episode 2 Travis has helped me more than anybody will every know. I can never repay him for all that he has done for me. Besides what he’s done for...
by kensthinkt | Feb 25, 2022 | Clips, Season 6
Single Dance Dad Learns Makeup (S06E02) Please subscribe on YouTube Travis Miller on Ken’s Think Tank Season 6, Episode 2 Travis raised his daughter as a single father . . . and he had to learn all of the “girl stuff” that you have to know when you have a daughter...
by kensthinkt | Feb 11, 2022 | Clips, Season 6
David Mills Loves Ken Collins Marketing (S06E01) Please subscribe on YouTube David Mills on Ken’s Think Tank Season 6, Episode 1 David Mills and I began working together in late 2021, and he tells us how he feels about Ken Collins Marketing. See the Full Episode Below...