Painting in a Paris Dumpster (S01E07)

Aug 11, 2017 | Clips, Season 1

Curt Walters on Ken’s Think Tank Season 1, Episode 7

“I was in Paris.  Paris loves their artists.”

“This was the first time I went to Paris.  I had just turned 40, and I gave myself a birthday present . . . I went to Paris.  I painted almost every day.  I found this great apartment right on the left bank near the Eiffel Tower.”

“On the last day, I decided that I wanted to paint that street and all those little shops and all those people I had gotten to know on that street.  The only view that was perfectly looking down the street was a big dumpster.  It was a waist-high dumpster.”

“It was a Sunday so I didn’t think anybody would bother me, so I just crawled into the dumpster and started painting.  The Parisians would come by and scratch their heads and say a few words and off they’d go.  Finally, this construction guy comes down . . . and he’s got an armload full of trash.  He says a few words and sets his stuff down on the ground.  He does this all afternoon . . . until I finished the painting.”

Did you ever figure out what they were saying?

“No.  Not a word.”

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