S07E01 – Lorrie Lawrence
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It’s hard to imagine, but here we are – the opening of Season 7 of Ken’s Think Tank!
We’ve interviewed guests in several cities across three states. We’ve done shows in an airplane, a bus, a race car, and a boat – but there’s one thing we haven’t done – until now.
I asked Lorrie Lawrence to come on the show and talk about integrative medicine – an interesting idea that I think everybody needs to hear. But along with Lorrie, we’re bringing her fuzzy buddy along for the ride. That’s right – this will be our first dog guest. Riding with us today is Lorrie dog – her name is Mae West – and she’s the sweetest thing! Since we’re getting some Durango Joe’s coffee like we normally do and want to include Mae, we’ve treated her to a Puppaccino from Durango Joe’s.
As adorable as Mae is, Lorrie is our main guest. She owns the Sedona Wellness Group – named for her first location in Sedona, AZ. Several years ago, she also opened Pagosa Wellness in Pagosa Springs, CO – and a couple of years ago, she closed Sedona Wellness to focus on her latest – and final – location . . . Aztec Wellness in Aztec, NM.
Everywhere Lorrie goes, she dedicates herself to the development of the area – and she’s doing the same in Aztec. I wanna know what her plans are.