Broke my Teeth doing a Yo-yo Trick (S02E08)

Broke my Teeth doing a Yo-yo Trick (S02E08)

Broke my Teeth doing a Yo-yo Trick (S02E08) Luke Renner on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 8 One would think that doing things with a yo-yo would be relatively safe.  But, you have a funny story. “No, it’s not really funny, Ken, OK . . . this is trauma right here.”...
Yo-yo Trick in a Moving Vehicle (S02E08)

Yo-yo Trick in a Moving Vehicle (S02E08)

Yo-yo Trick in a Moving Vehicle (S02E08) Luke Renner on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 8 Luke Renner has won yo-yo awards on the national and international stage . . . he’s even on Magic Yo-Yo packaging!  He brought some yo-yo’s on this ride, and performed some...
Essential Oils for Back Pain (S02E07)

Essential Oils for Back Pain (S02E07)

Essential Oils for Back Pain (S02E07) Diane Mattern on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 6 I suffer from chronic back pain that began as a bad car wreck many years ago that left me in traction, followed by a collar.  I continued my recovery by being overly cautious...
0 to 140 mph in a 2017 Mustang GT (S02E06)

0 to 140 mph in a 2017 Mustang GT (S02E06)

0 to 140 mph in a 2017 Mustang GT (S02E06) Brian Collins on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 6 My brother, Brian, races his 2017 Mustang GT at a drag strip in North Carolina.  While filming this episode, he wanted to show me how fast the car would pull 0 to 60.  He...
Sending your Daughter Away to College (S02E05)

Sending your Daughter Away to College (S02E05)

Sending your Daughter Away to College (S02E05) Adriana Miller and her father, Travis, on Ken’s Think Tank Season 2, Episode 5 Ken:  If you run off to one of these colleges . . . it looks like it may be Appalachian . . . that would be when? Adriana:  I would leave in...